El autor Roberto Salgado (@LightOS) agrega nuevos ataques y métodos de evasión diariamente.
Es una guía muy extensa, clara y está organizada muy ordenadamente por temas:
- Default Databases
- Testing Injection
- Comment Out Query
- Testing Version
- Database Credentials
- Database Names
- Server Hostname
- Tables and Columns
- Avoiding quotations
- String concatenation
- Conditional Statements
- Timing
- Privileges
- Reading Files
- Writing Files
- Out of band channeling
- Stacked Queries with PDO
- MySQL-specific code
- Fuzzing and Obfuscation
- Operators
- Constants
- Password Hashing
- Password Cracker
- Default Databases
- Comment Out Query
- Testing Version
- Database Credentials
- Database Names
- Server Hostname
- Tables and Columns
- Avoiding quotations
- String concatenation
- Conditional Statements
- Timing
- System Command Execution
- SP_PASSWORD (Hiding Query)
- Stacked Queries
- Fuzzing and Obfuscation
- Password Hashing
- Password Cracker
Visto en: http://www.hakim.ws/